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The Texas Educators Health Plan is conducting a survey that could benefit you, and your future health care options

The following survey is being conducted by one of our new vendors called Cygenex.  Cygenex is a precision medicine company that specializes in genetics and medication management. The information you provide in this survey will help us to determine if you qualify for this new benefit we are offering as part of your health plan.  This new program will help ensure that you are being prescribed the right medication and the correct dosage, the first time by matching it with your DNA.  This process eliminates trial and error prescribing and reduces adverse reactions from taking the wrong drug or dosage.


Privacy and Security is our greatest concern: All of your personal information is protected by both H.I.P.P.A. as well as encrypted for the highest level of security and will not be shared by anyone without your permission.

Begin Survey

Please fill out the following survey to determine if you qualify for testing.
cy.png5-01 (1).png
Select an option
Are you currently taking any medication?
Medication Classification (Please check all medications you are currently taking)

Thank you for your time in answering this information. All information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone, without your approval.


Your human resources will get back with you shortly if you qualify for this test, and they will let you know the next steps.


Thank  you for taking the survey!


Texas Educator Health Plan

Thanks for submitting!

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