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Health claims data is a collection of information about an individual's health-related events, including diagnoses, treatments, medications, age, gender, ethnicity, procedures and more. By analyzing this data, healthcare professionals the team at Cygenex can identify patterns and trends in a person's health status, which can provide insight into their overall health in several ways.

First, it can reveal information about the frequency and severity of their health conditions. For example, if a person has multiple claims related to a particular condition, it may suggest that they are experiencing ongoing health issues related to that condition.

Second, health claims data can provide information about the types of healthcare services that a person is receiving, which can offer insight into their overall health status. For example, if a person has frequent claims for preventive services like annual check-ups, it may suggest that they are proactive about maintaining their health.

Third, health claims data can help identify comorbidities or multiple health conditions that a person may have. This information is essential in identifying and managing the health risks associated with having multiple chronic conditions.

Forth, health claims data can identify medications that a person may be taking. This information can alert the Cygenex team to refer this person for additional testing such the CyPharmacogenetics test to determine if they are on the right drug and the right dosage based upon their genetics.

Fifth, the health claims data can identify the age, gender, and ethnicity of the person. This information can alert the Cygenex team to refer that person for additional preventative and predictive testing based upon their age, gender, and ethnicity. For example, the CyACMG 73 evaluates 73 genes known to be markers for certain diseases. Additional tests include; CyRenew for healthy aging, CyCancer for Hereditary Cancer, CyDementia which looks at Predictive markers for Parkinson's Disease/Alzheimer’s, Disease/Dementia Risk.

Sixth, the health claims data can identify individuals with a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, or cardiovascular disease. This information can alert the team to additional genetic testing to evaluate risks as well as to provide clinical and preventive programs to help restore that person’s health based upon their genetics.

Overall, analyzing health claims data can provide valuable insights into the health of an individual, which can help healthcare providers make more informed decisions about their care.

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